2. 成功登記後,打開活動頁面,確認指定日期及時段之工作坊是否仍有名額,點擊進入報名表格立即填寫表格及完成付款,連同付款證明一併提交*,名額有限,先到先得After successful completion of registration, open "Activity" page and click the corresponding workshop with correct date and time, if have remaining seats, fill in the form and complete payment, submit along with valid payment proof*, limited seat, first come first serve
快速支付系統識別碼 FPS Identifier:103111555 K. Wah Real Estates Company Limited
注意!一經付款及提交表格,將不能作出任何更改或退款,請謹慎選擇報名之工作坊日期及時間ATTENTION! Once completed payment and submitted form, no change of session or refund, please pick the session of workshop carefully
*付款證明只網上銀行轉賬之清晰截圖**,必須清楚顯示支賬戶口、入賬戶口及金額,如未能顯示則視為作廢。每張截圖只接受一節一人之申請。**其他付款方式一概不接受。*Only accept cap screen of online banking transfer**, the provided image must be clear and includes name of debit and credit accounts along with amount, if failed to show above information, the payment proof will be voided. Each cap screen only apply for one session in one person. **Do not accept any other way of payment.
3. 成功遞交表格、經確認資料無誤並成功付款後,我們將於三個工作天內派發電子門票至閣下的 SOHO east 手機程式帳戶After successful submission of form, we will be distributing the ticket to your SOHO east App account after confirmation of payment and information within 3 business days
4. 查看門票 Check e-ticket
1. 登入 SOHO east 手機程式 Login SOHO east App2. 點擊電子優惠券 Click 'e-Coupon'3. 查收專屬電子門票 Check if the e-ticket is correct
5. 使用電子門票 Use of e-ticket
1. 點擊使用的電子門票 Click the e-ticket
2. 於工作坊開始前15分鐘抵達場地Arrive 15 minutes earlier before the start of workshop
2. 向工作人員索取相關 QR code Please ask the staff for corresponding redemption QR code
3. 按下「兌換優惠」後使用閣下的手機進行掃描,並向工作人員出示兌換編碼,直至工作人員成功記錄Click 'redeem' and scan it with your phone, show the staff your transaction code until they record down