聖誕毛氈 Tufting


*以上圖片只供參考,以實際圖樣作準 Images above are for reference only, actual graphic may differ

近來備受歡迎的活動之一,使用毛線織槍造出毛茸茸的毛氈,既可以作為小型地氈,亦可裝飾家中家具,更添溫暖舒適A fluffy, warm mat made with a tufting gun, display anywhere in your house for this Christmas

10, 11/12 | 1PM & 4PM | SOHO east | HK$250/ person/ session

確認出席活動後,可獲得HK$250電子餐飲優惠券乙張,於指定SOHO east餐廳使用(指定日期)。電子餐飲優惠券將於確認後7個工作日內,發送至SOHO east手機程式之會員電子餐飲優惠券頁內。After attend the workshop, participant can gain a HK$250 Dining eCoupon to be used at designated SOHO east restaurants (designated period). A Dining eCoupon will be sent in SOHO east App eCoupon page after confirmation within 7 business days.

活動內容 Workshop Details

- 框架大小:約30x30cm Size: around 30x30cm- 工作坊時長:每節2.5小時,每日兩節 Duration: 2.5 hours each session, two sessions each day- 每節最多12名參加者包括合資格之兒童 Maximum 12 participants including the qualified children per session- 參加者只可於特定毛氈圖樣中選擇一款心儀款式製作 Only 1 tufting pattern could be picked among the provided graphics



遵守事項 Auditorium Rules

- 參加者必須年滿18歲,一位成年參加者只可攜同最多一名年齡10-14歲兒童,共同製作一份作品。Participant must aged above 18, each adult participant can bring along only one children aged 10-14, co-using one set of material.
- 若攜同兒童參加者,照顧者有責任注意兒童的安全,並維持應有的禮儀和秩序。It is the responsibility of the adult participant to pay attention to the safety, maintain proper etiquette and order of their children.
- 每張電子門票只接受最多一位成人及一名指定年齡兒童,工作人員有權要求參加者出示有效之年齡證明文件。Each ticket only accept maximum one adult plus one children (designated age), staff have the right to request participant to present valid proof of age.
- 每張電子門票不能轉讓、兌換現金,亦不可重覆使用。Each e-ticket cannot be transferred, redeemed for cash and cannot be re-used.
- 參加者必須於工作坊前15分鐘抵達場地,並使用SOHO east手機程式中的有效電子門票進入,一張門票只可製作一份作品。Participant must arrive 15 minutes before the workshop start, and use the valid e-ticket in SOHO east App for entry, one ticket for one set of material.
- 每位會員只可報名同類型同日期同時段工作坊一次。Each member can only register same date, same time slot, same workshop once only.
- 報名時需按指示完成付款,並於報名表格中提交有效付款證明。如未能提交,則被視為未完成報名。Participant need to complete the payment during registration, and submit valid payment slip in registration form. If did not submit valid payment slip, the registration will be determinated.
- 成功遞交表格、經確認資料無誤並成功付款後,我們將於三個工作天內派發電子門票至閣下的 SOHO east 手機程式帳戶。After successful submission of form, we will be distributing the ticket to your SOHO east App account after confirmation of payment and information within 3 business days.
- 如未能於2.5小時內完成作品,參加者可選擇額外付款每幅HK$100,並交予導師完成作品,完成後將於12月14-16日期間,以順豐速遞到付寄出或於觀塘工作室自取。If participant cannot complete during 2.5 hours lesson, it is optional to pay extra HK$100 for one product, tutor will complete the product and deliver by SF express as receiver pay or can pick up at Kwun Tong studio between 14-16 December 2022.
- 導師將於工作坊前檢查毛線織槍是否正常運作以及清楚闡述安全守則。如使用後有任何損壞,需賠償每把HK$300維修費。Tutor will make sure the tufting gun is functioning well and brief clearly on safety rules before workshop, any broken and malfunction after usage, HK$300 repair fee will be charged.
- 遲到、缺席或提早離場不設補時及退款。No refund / Make-up session for any late, absence or early leave.
- 因颱風或其他惡劣天氣而被取消之課堂,恕不另行通告,亦不設安排補課。No make-up workshop will be arranged for workshops cancelled due to bad weather.
- 所有參加者均需注意,活動期間可能有潛在風險及危險,因此有機會造成人身傷害。所有參與活動的參加者明確同意並確認其同意承擔及接受所有相關風險。All Participants shall take note that the Activity can be dangerous with inherent risks and hazards, and as a consequence, personal injury may occur. By participating in the Activity, Participants expressly acknowledge and confirm that they agree to assume and accept all such risks.
- 本條款及細則的絕對解釋權歸嘉華地產有限公司。如有任何爭議,以嘉華地產有限公司對所有相關方作出的最終決定為準。
K. Wah Real Estates Co., Ltd. has the absolute right to interpret these terms and conditions. In case of any disputes, the decision of K. Wah Real Estates Co., Ltd. shall be final and binding on all parties concerned.