9米長充氣鯨魚妖怪神社樂園Whale Monster Shrine Terms & Conditions

• 參加名額不可兌換現金或其他禮品。Participate quota cannot be exchanged for cash or other gifts.
• 參加名額均不可轉讓他人,只有報名的參加者才可參與。Participate quota cannot be transferred. Only enrolled participants are allowed to attend the activity.
• 網上簡介只供參考。All promotion materials just for reference only.
• 請於遊戲時段開始5分鐘前到達以便工作人員安排,遲到、缺席或提早離場不設補時及退款。Please arrive 5 minutes in advance before each session for our staff arrangement. No refund / Make-up session for any late, absence or early leave.
• 請勿在設施內飲食。Food and Drinks are not permitted into the facility.
• 嚴禁攜帶任何尖銳物件/ 切割工具進入充氣遊戲設施。Sharp objects or cutting implements are prohibited before entry facility.
• 主辦單位保留向一切破壞、塗鴉、或損毀場内設施的追究或賠償有關損失之權利。K. Wah Real Estates Co., Ltd. reserves the right to investigate or compensate for any damages, graffiti, or damage to the facility.
• 部份設施設有身高,年齡,體重限制,請參閱每項設施之注意事項,如有問題,請向工作人員查詢。Some facilities have height, age, or weight restrictions. Please refer to each facilities’ notification. If you have any questions, please consult our staff in advance.
• 工作人員有權拒絕體溫高於攝氏 37.5 度之人士或有明顯 呼吸道感染病病徵之人士入場。嘉華地產有限公司不會向因此條款而需離場之人士作任何賠償。The staff reserves the right to refuse entry of any person(s) whose body temperature is higher than 37.5 degrees Celsius or to those who appears to have significant symptoms of respiratory infections. No compensation will be arranged if entry is denied pursuant to this clause.
• 因天氣、安全或其他原因,嘉華地產有限公司有權在沒有預先通知及沒有賠償的情況下,更改設施之開放時間、暫停或停止進行。K. Wah Real Estates Co., Ltd. may, without prior notice and without any compensation, change the operating hours of facility therein, close the same or temporarily, or suspend the operation for weather, safety, or any other reason.
• 嘉華地產有限公司有權於活動期間進行攝影、錄影、錄音,並將此等照片、圖片、聲訊及錄像(「記錄」)以任何格式永久免費地用於全世界的任何媒體(包括但不限於新聞發布會、平面廣告、海報、宣傳單張以及上載及載列於Facebook專頁或其他社交網站或網頁供公眾瀏覽及下載等),而無需對參加者支付款項或報酬。記錄屬於嘉華地產有限公司所有,並屬於嘉華地產有限公司的專有財產。K. Wah Real Estates Co., Ltd. is entitled to take photographs of, video-tape or audio-record the activity, and use such photo(s), image(s), audio(s) and video(s) (“Recordings”) in any media or format throughout the world in perpetuity (including but not limited to press releases, print advertisements, posters, leaflets, Facebook page or other social networking sites or web pages for public viewing and downloading, etc.) without any payment or consideration to the participants. The Recordings belongs to and is the absolute property of K. Wah Real Estates Co., Ltd..
• 參加者確認活動(如在公衆可見之範圍内進行)或會被第三方拍下照片或錄下影像。在決定參與活動前,參加者需要注意前述事宜,並同意不會就任何相關之投訴追究嘉華地產有限公司之責任。Participants acknowledge that the activity (if taking place in a publicly visible area) may be photographed or video-recorded by other third party and they should be aware of this before making the decision to enroll and they agree to hold K. Wah Real Estates Co., Ltd. harmless in relation to any complaint(s) made regarding this issue. 
• 如天文台於上午11:30或之後懸掛或仍懸掛8號或以上風球、紅色暴雨或黑色暴雨警告,則當日下午4:30前之活動將會取消。如天文台於下午4:30或之後懸掛或仍懸掛8號或以上風球、紅色暴雨或黑色暴雨警告,則當日下午4:30後之活動將會取消。所有受影響之活動將不作補辦。除懸掛8號或以上風球外、紅色暴雨或黑色暴雨警告,其他之天氣狀況,將不受影響。If typhoon signal no. 8 or above or red/black rainstorm is hoisted or still hoisted at or after 11:30 am, activity that day held at 4:30pm or before will be cancelled. If typhoon signal no. 8 or above or red/black rainstorm is hoisted or still hoisted at or after 4:30 pm, activity that day held after 4:30 pm will be cancelled. All the affected activities will be cancelled. Apart from the hoisting of typhoon signal no. 8 or above or due to red/ black rainstorm, the activity will not be affected by other weather conditions.
• 嘉華地產有限公司可按實際情況而決定是否繼續進行。K. Wah Real Estates Co., Ltd. may decide whether to continue the classes/workshops according to the actual situation.
• 以上只作一般情況參考。任何情況下,參加者/ 家長/ 監護人請考慮各地區之天氣、道路及交通情況,決定是否前往參與活動。在此情況缺席活動,將不獲補辦。因颱風或其他惡劣天氣而被取消之活動,恕不另行通告,亦不設安排補辦。The above arrangement is for reference only. In all cases, participants / parents / legal guardian should consider the weather, road and transport situation to decide whether to attend the activity. No make-up activity will be arranged to the absentee for these cases. No make-up activity will be arranged for activity cancelled due to bad weather.
• 參加者如有任何意外或人身傷害,主辦單位概不負責。無論如何,所有參加者現明確豁免對主辦單位就任何不論是由於或有關參加者因到訪 活動 所導致的人身傷害、身故或財物之損失或損害進行申索。 為免生疑問,本條款不會限制或排除主辦單位因疏忽而導致身故或人身傷害所應負之任何法律責任。 The Organizer shall not be held responsible for any accidents and/or personal injuries howsoever caused to the Participants. All Participants hereby expressly waive the right to claim against the Organizer for any loss or damages arising out of any personal injury, death or properties in any way whatsoever caused by or relating to the Participants’ visit to the Activity. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing herein shall limit or exclude any liability of the Organizer for death or personal injury resulting from the negligence of the Organizer.
• 嘉華地產有限公司不對本活動為適合任何目的作保證。參加者/ 參加者父母/ 監護人及參加者將放棄其追究嘉華地產有限公司的所有權利及利益(如有)。K. Wah Real Estates Co., Ltd. does not make any warranty in respect of any part of this program and disclaims all liability in relation thereto. Participants / parents/ legal guardian and participants shall waive all his or her rights and interest, if any, of any natures to pursue against K. Wah Real Estates Co., Ltd..
• 嘉華地產有限公司有權隨時暫停、終止或取消本活動(或其任何部分),而毋須事先通知或給與任何補償。K. Wah Real Estates Co., Ltd. is entitled to suspend, terminate or cancel this program or any part thereof at any time without any prior notice or compensation.
• 嘉華地產有限公司有權隨時修改本條款及細則,而毋須事先通知。K. Wah Real Estates Co., Ltd. has the right to amend any of these terms and conditions without any prior notice.
• 本條款及細則的絕對解釋權歸嘉華地產有限公司。如有任何爭議,以嘉華地產有限公司對所有相關方作出的最終決定為準。K. Wah Real Estates Co., Ltd. has the absolute right to interpret these terms and conditions. In case of any disputes, the decision of K. Wah Real Estates Co., Ltd. shall be final and binding on all parties concerned.
• 申請人提供的資料會用作宣傳資料用途。根據個人資料(私隱)條例,申請人有權查詢及更正所提供的個人資料。如欲查詢、翻閱或更改個人資料,請與電郵至 moc.liamg%40gkhtsaeohosThe personal data provided by applicants will be used for promotion material. In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the right to request access to and to correct personal data. To access your personal data, please email to .moc.liamg%40gkhtsaeohos