29-30 Oct (Sat-Sun)10月29-30日(星期六-日)1pm - 10pm
近海傍位置 Nearby Waterfront
無年齡限制 For all age
Toy & Art Piece 精品玩具
Aromastone 擴香石
Drip Bag Coffee 掛耳式咖啡
Pet Food 寵物食品
Designer Bag 自家設計手袋
Hand Painting Product 手繪動物產品
• 所有市集之產品必須於網上付款平台完成交易後,才可到達該攤位換領禮品。有關商品訂購之詳情,請聯絡以上商戶【點擊圖片】查詢。All products from market must be paid by online platform before redeeming the products from designated booth. For ordering details, please contact the merchants directly by clicking the images.
• 市集不接受現金交易。Paid by CASH is not acceptable for WeWa Mini Market.
• 活動的產品由供應商提供,一切因換領品所構成之責任與嘉華地產有限公司及參與商戶無關,嘉華地產有限公司及參與商戶將免除一切法律責任及賠償。 換領品一經送出,不論於任何情況下均不能更改、退換或兌換現金。The redeemable product(s) are provided by supplier in the Activity. K. Wah Real Estates Co., Ltd. and the above participated merchants are not liable for any damage or loss about and caused by the redeemable product(s), and is exempted from all the legal liabilities and compensation. Once the product is redeemed, it cannot be changed, returned or exchanged for cash.